
位於風景優美的丹那拉塔地區,從德薩安圖里烏姆雲霧高原公寓可俯瞰金馬倫高原,是享受觀光, 浪漫, 闔家同歡的絕佳選擇。 在這裡,旅客可輕鬆前往市區內各大旅遊、購物、餐飲地點。 住宿位置優越讓旅客前往市區內的熱門景點變得方便快捷。 德薩安圖里烏姆雲霧高原公寓提供優質貼心的服務和方便實用的設施,贏得了客人的普遍好評。 住宿為了確保每位客人住宿期間都能獲得便利的服務,提供了廚房, 停車場, BBQ燒烤設備, 吸菸區, 公用交誼廳/視聽室等設施和服務。 您將能真切地感受到德薩安圖里烏姆雲霧高原公寓的特有的氛圍,它體現在每一間精心規劃的客房中。完善的貼心設施與服務隨處可見,如:陽台/露台, 電視, 冰箱, 盥洗用品, 洗碗機, 鄰近高爾夫球場(3公里內), 花園能讓您玩足一整天,開心一整天。 德薩安圖里烏姆雲霧高原公寓是來金馬倫高原探索城市魅力,放鬆身心的理想住處。德薩安圖里烏姆雲霧高原公寓德薩安圖里烏姆雲霧高原公寓評價<\b>

2020-01-08Overall fair.[5.6]

1) Pls communicate with client on process of check in, contact person - 1 day before check in. 2) Pls improve on:a) Washroom/Toilet - shower, water heater, sinkb) Kitchen sinkc) No lock at sliding doord) Bedsheet / Pillowe) Neighbours saw dog inside the apmt before. Pls be sensitive to muslim guests.

2019-09-30Great apartment but still can improve[8.4]

We stay for 3D2N, when we arrive the host already prepare the room and leave the apartment open for us. The house and room was cleaned and we were satisfied with it. The bed matress not new but clean. The location also bery near to most attraction there. We face issue like water heater in master bed room not function but so all member need to share in the bathroom on the other 1.(2 bathroom apartment). The other small issue we have such as gas tank not good which we smell the gas when connect it with the gas kitchen. You also may need to bring your own spoon, fork, jug l..others than that everything is great

2019-09-22Having a bad experience[4.0]

This is very unstatisfy because the property agent don\\\'t not meet with me at all,just left the room key at the apartment. The lock for my room cannot function well which is very dangerous.The electric appliance such as rice cooker cannot function as well. My family and I cannot sleep well due to the noisy environment in the midnight and uncomfortable bed.Beside that the agent also don\\\'t explain to about the parking issue and because of the parking lot is full,i parked my car at a place which is unsuitable for parking and make me waste RM50 to open the claim for my car.So can I claim my RM 50with you? My family and I having a bad experience with this apartment.
    創作者 排名哥 的頭像


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